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These micro-chapbooks are issued for special events, themes, and contests. Or, for no good reason at all!  We created this page to corral the micro-chapbooks, their poets, and poems for easy finding and folding.

And to thank everyone who contributed to these Origami adventures.


  The origami micro-chapbooks below are ready to print by clicking on the titles.


Origami Micro-Chapbook 

Selected Poem(s)

Celebrating the Towers         

On April 21, 2013 The Origami Poems Project
held a poetry reading at the Narragansett Towers at the invitation
of Kate Vivian, Events Manager.  This collection
reflects the meaning of the event to our guests.


poets fill the room
their poems like prayer flags
encircle us all

Pat LaRose © 2013

A Celebration of Kindness



Music, A Celebration



Snow:  A Winter Celebration

Winter-themed poems,
requested by South County Independent editor, Doug Norris.
Two poems were selected for the special edition:
Snow  by Bill Sullivan
The Roofs are Alive and Reassuring by Mary Ann Mayer

{Snow by Bill Sullivan © 2011}

       ...snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on
       every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless
       hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen, and further
     westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannonwaves...upon all the living and dead.
James Joyce, "The Dead"

Yes, there is the sense that the end of something is here
when the wind is not whistling and the snow flake's fall
is as silent as a monk meditating on a moonless night.
Perhaps it's the death of daring, courage and ceaseless
caring, as Joyce intimates-a time when the snow's descent
numbs our memories, buries our tales of heroic deeds-
when caution and comfort prescribe boots and slickers-
when no lover stands in the rain beneath a window, dying.
But as the quietude of falling snow mutes, flake
by flake, the harsh clamor of years and yesterdays,
we hear the wheel groan then move- sense a beginning
as well as an end-even imagine that before the snow ceased
and the sky turned turquoise blue and the world's whiteness
glistened in the morning sun, a hatless man stood knee deep
in snow beneath his lover's window, calling, in the darkness
of night, "Come with me, come with me."


{The Roofs are Alive and Reassuring by Mary Ann Mayer © 2011}

                                  For Pete
You say,
      The snow on the roof
Looks like a swan sleeping in its wing.

I say,
     The avalanche is coming, can’t you see
That iron rooster poke its head out of its clutch of white?

You say, don’t worry,
    The rooster is just a chimney cap
Can we play the snowdrift game some more?

But the avalanche, I say,
    Makes puckering sounds
In the night and I’m afraid.

You say,
I see a whale
Taking a steam bath.

I say, I love you.

All You Need is Love


All You Really Need is Love


To celebrate our gathering at The Towers on March 14, 2010

{Conversation Hearts}

A Dialogue
On Valentine’s Day, we exchanged gifts. She got NECCO Sweethearts;
I got Magic 8 Ball

Doug Norris © 2010

Creature Comforts Medley

For a pet rescue fundraiser for the Providence Animal Rescue League (PARL) This book is a tribute to all pets with the hope that they may be rescued, nurtured, and enjoy  their creature comforts.
Our first OPP Fall season together
The Nuisance of Weather

A Cup of Origami

To celebrate first OPP Reading - held at Java Madness, Wakefield, RI


Steamed peaks
float like meringue
in the swimming pool cup
that warms my hands.
Ready to dive
nose first
into roasted mist,
I pause and sip.
Alchemy of capuchin –
elixir of bliss.
‘Cappuccino’ by Mary Mueller © 2009