Origami Microchaps
Tales of Uffda! Part 2 Uffda and the Beautiful Freya |
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Cover photo: Google Images and Mo
As a Youth: Uffda liked to imagine himself as the God Odin, posed with Ravens on his shoulders and wild wolves sitting tamely at his feet —
One problem tho:
Uffda was deathly afraid of wild wolves. Maybe he could get by with Puppies? Puppies are cute and not likely to rip yer throat out.
I mean, Yikes!
Uffda Thought: “That there Freya girl sure is Pretty. Maybe I can beguile her with my “Odin-Like Charm?”
“Odin-like Charm defined:” With ravens on his shoulders and wild wolves at his feet, Odin wielded his sword and the earth trembled—Ha, Ha, Ha! OK, maybe not wolves? I mean puppies can growl.
Gerr! —Kinda Scary, right?
Uffda loved Freya’s name - It sounded just like the mythical “Freyja” —— A goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, seeing and influencing the future.
Wow, that’s a lot of Really Good stuff, by Golly.
Uffda’s father Otis said: “Don’t be spending too much time with that there Freya girl, yer likely to give her the vapors.” (Uffda didn’t know what this meant.)
Maybe it had to do with the fact that Uffda didn’t bathe from October through April?
But then, no one in his village bathed from Oct. to April... Hmm ???
Heleena and Freya’s mom announced a wedding date for Uffda and Freya. Everyone was so excited, “Oh Boy!” Uffda was kinda scared tho...
So he asked Otis what to do on his wedding night. Otis said, “Ah jeeze, ask yer mom will ya?” Heleena said, “Just pet her like ya do yer puppies, Freya will take care of the rest — Oh, You Bet!
Nine Months Later: Freya was giving birth. Uffda wasn’t allowed in the birthing hut and ...... he was soo relieved
“Hey, you got twins,” the midwife called. “Oh Boy, two male warriors,” cried Uffda. “No, Twin Girls!” “Holy Cow! - “Now What? Probably shoulda got them there wolves after all,” said Uffda
Mo Soulis © 2022
Tales of Uffda! Viking Warrior, and a pretty Good Guy, for Sure! |
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 Cover by author:
Google image /Mo
Uffda *
An expression popularized by Norwegian immigrants in Minnesota. It translates as “Oh there” and is typically an expression of some degree of negativity.
Uffda can therefore be a substitute for common obscenities, as well as general-purpose expressions of exhaustion, dismay, or even positive expressions of surprise or astonishment.
* Wikipedia - a not too good resource for people too lazy to read history. Or at least Google it, for cryin’ out loud.
How Uffda Got His Name *
There are two versions of how the baby Uffda got his name:
1. The mid-wife encouraged his mother Heleena, to push with vigor. His mother, with great exertion shouted “Uffda!” and out popped a little boy. Holy Cow!
2. After he was born the midwife held him up for his father Otis to see him for the first time — Otis exclaimed, “Uffda!”
* It was deemed prudent by Heleena to go with the first version. Stern faced, Otis, agreed.
Uffda loved the idea of being descended from Viking warriors, as Otis always reminded him. Yet, due to the influence of his mother, Uffda developed an easy going attitude.
He never seemed to get too bothered one way or another, until Otis gave him his first Viking hand axe. There was some unpleasantness, you betcha! - dogs missing tails, village children being terrorized by a screaming five-year-old swinging an axe over his head, dead birds — and a few other minor incidents.
As a youth, Uffda matured and learned not to get too worked up about any of life’s travails. Yet, when he believed someone was threatening the safety of his family or village he would be inclined to inflict serious injury or death upon whomever was offering the offense.
The villagers considered this a totally justified response from a descendant of Viking warriors. Otis smilingly agreed.
When hearing villagers say, “Boy, Ya Don’t Want to Mess with Uffda, By Golly,” Otis felt warm all over.
As Young Man:
As Uffda grew he became somewhat handsome. Village mothers said, “Boy, that Uffda is lookin’ not too bad, ya know! Their daughters agreed. One day Helleena said, “Uffda, I believe you have great potential to satisfy a young woman as a husband.”
“Oh boy” thought Uffda. “If I could win the beautiful Freya, them there village boys would know I’m a man.” It was right then when Uffda fell in love for the first time — with his Potential.
But could he fall in love with Freya? Or she with him?
*See: Tales of Uffda and Freya, soon now. Ya Sure!
Uffda Lexicon*
Negative - Children or Teens: “Hey, Is that Lutefisk I smell? Uffda!”
Positive - Male over Forty: “Hey, is that Lutefisk I smell? Uffda! “
Other Confusing Expressions: Not too bad (Pretty Good) Not too good (Pretty Bad) For Sure/Yaa Sure (Pretty Damn Sure) You Bet, or Betcha (True, but not quite For Sure) Them there (Them/Those) By Golly (Damn Right)
Mo Soulis © 2022
Bodhi Swaha |
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Cover: Photos /images Google Images
Seek Truth without shame. Let those pass who disagree — Stand Secure, Alone.
How false this bondage, Oh sad, deluded mortal. Creation of mind.
Sheer winged butterflies. They migrate thousands of miles. Shorn of fear, they fly.
Make firm your effort. Why shouldn’t you find It Now... Lest you think time waits
While we are dreaming, a voice softly whispers: tend your First Duty.
Know all that exists within the Soul’s Sovereignty. God will be proved.
Now the storm has stopped, clouds move swiftly apart - Clear light fills the heart.
In true religion, discover the Real Self – Oh, immortal Soul.
Concentrate on High! To listen and introspect God’s power unfolds.
Do not fear the end. As waves return to the sea, Again, we are One.
Having no beliefs we speak from that which we Know — Realization!
For to live freely, be in life while not of it -- Transcend the mundane.
Oh vain, foolish man, Longing for eternity – While already there.
So, to know the end, Vastness of Spiritual Wealth; Discrimination.
The necessity of finding oneself in God, is to find One’s Self
Ultimate being, Remove darkness from the soul. Reveal peace within.
As all eyes open, who will be left to arrive? The One who is here.
The mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra:
Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate – Bodhi Swaha!
“Gone, gone, gone to the other shore beyond, O what an awakening, all hail!”
(Gaa-tey, Gaa-tey, Paragaa-tey, Para-saam-gaa-tey, Bod-hi Swa-ha!)
Mo Soulis © 2022
Of Time and Things Unseen |
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Cover photo by Jan Keough
Inspired by Journeys: Along the Way By Leonard Foote Whole Mind Press; Littleton, NH
Sun flying Southward cast shadows tall as mountains — Autumn’s light and warmth.
Unreachable shores - moths swim in a thick still pond. Summer nights longing.
With the unfolding of morning leaves in stillness, a dragon fly rests.
Remote, yet nearby, the breathing of stars above, rustle the evening reeds.
The leaves of Autumn scatter on the winds of time.... My long-spent years, dreams.
Out beyond the eves, February’s song keens through the naked forest.
With Gods gentle breath as though on a restless sea, we dream time and things.
Hawks can forge mountains in the gift of an instant - Exploding the sun.
On a windswept pond, a fading memory now... Your face reflected.
Above the daytime moon vultures sweep across the sky - Ancient, waiting still...
Beyond dawn or dusk, at the far edge of the world - Hawk, Cloud, fly as One.
In silence of night, time stirs, winds crash gently down. My candle flame roars...
As smoke sculpts moonbeams into braided nebulae — Worlds, yes! - come and go.
Drifting into sleep, as time flows effortlessly - Calming inner fears.
Last night in silence, while alone, I heard Thy voice - Oh, eternal song.
Out beyond my thoughts where I am given a glimpse - Wonders surround me.
As time disappears in songs of moving water’s - My heart sings to life.
Ceaselessly roaming, elusive of all features - my own brief passage.
We all disappear in the dark face of the storm - One, now another.
When on a clear day, the Spirits walked and Whispered - by grace I listened.
A familiar voice in the abandoned abbey - Perhaps just the wind?
We cling but briefly to the probing edge of time -- The seas rush outward.
As a child again on the shores of time-caught seas -- Dreams and life still fly.
Reaching, without fear - I touch bright and distant fires. Braced against the void.
Like red falling leaves my thoughts drift on the rain-course. to drown, disappear.
Charts of un-sailed seas, roads but seen in passing dreams - line my pathway home.
Stone, red as sunset in wind canyons of the mind - warm my fading breath.
An old man dying, eyes dim to the last green fields - Unquenchable still...
Mo Soulis © 2021
Foothills Redux |
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Cover photo:
Lake Tomahawk by Jan Keough
A late spring evening, fireflies are coming out soon. Look! There is one now.
Front porch, soft warm breeze, the morning sun on my face - might skip work today?
When the trees were felled, how my heart ached to lose them. Then, I saw mountains.
A rogue sunflower sprouting in my flower box. Should I let him live?
Soft glow at twilight - Seems to light up my garden. Moon flowers blooming.
Majestic forest reflected on ice smooth lake - the art of silence.
Quick, little chipmunk - you better run for cover. The hawk is nearby.
Indigo buntings both resting in a pine bush. Miles to go before....
Ouch! How can it be? Something so small, bites so hard. Hungry no see-um.
Shy, tufted titmouse - takes one seed and steps aside. Then back for one more.
Full in the morning, inviting suit feeder - empty by sunset.
Noisy little wren, head way back, beak to the sky. Serenades heaven!
Greedy brown Thrasher, way too big for the feeder - Just keeps falling off.
In early August, Hummingbirds zip all over - dive bombing my porch.
Rose breasted gross beak is pausing at the feeder - ahh, just passing through.
Soft sounds of wind chimes in the warm evening breeze - soothe me into to sleep.
A train rumbling by, the sound of distant traffic. Me – sittin’ right here...
His wife sitting there in the bright morning sunlight - warms him all over.
Trucks, saws, wood chipper - an endless fascination. Little boy watching...
Long-John’s on the line - Drying in warm spring sunlight. Ahh yes, free at last.
A baby stirs, cries. The morning glory opens. New day beginning.
A winter freight train, it’s icy wheels screech and squeal. Glad my head ain’t glass.
Grocery cart down - afternoon escape attempt, foiled by gusty wind.
In morning silence, the neighbor children laughing - and sometimes crying.
Hey, seen my cell phone? I sure can hear it ringing... Ah, in my pocket.
The smooth, calm lake immune to my restless thoughts - eloquent silence.
In natures silence, my mind is yet distracted - could be time for lunch.
The fourth ashrama - time to seek enlightenment. Be still restless mind.
It keeps waking him - in every hour of night. The noise in his head.
Haiku in English, a five, seven, five format - Uff, too many words.
With concentration the young archer stills his bow, to pierce the hawk’s eye.
Mo Soulis © 2021
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Cover photo:
Lake Tomahawk by Kevin Keough
Every Origami Micro-chapbook may be printed, for free, from this website.
Love -
His wife, sitting in the morning sunlight – warms him all over. Oblivious to her goodness all these years… A thing of wonder. In their autumn years, he simply loves her gentle presence, soft touch. With the passing of time, her innate goodness brought out his own. The summer flower in twilight reveals her tender spirit, her quiet smile… Like a silent snowfall, he treasures most her soft white hair.
Bird Magic
- Too big for the feeder greedy brown thrasher keeps falling off...
Polite tufted titmouse. Takes one seed, steps aside, back for another. - then
Two Indigo bunting resting in a pine bush. And miles to go...
Fill the suet feeder -- each morning Empty by sunset.
Noisy little wren, – head back, beak to the sky Serenading heaven.
Ruby throated Grosbeak pausing at the feeder. Just passing through.
Nature -
Late spring evening – Fireflies coming out soon. Look! – there’s one now.
Front porch, morning sun on my face – Think I’ll skip work today.
The trees were felled and my heart ached. Then I saw mountains.
Rouge sunflower sprouting in my flower box – Should I let him live?
Moon flowers blooming at sunset – light up the whole garden.
Quick, little chipmunk - run for cover... hawk’s nearby.
Leaves and branches bend with the wind. Where is the wind?
Wind chimes in a summer evening breeze – Soothe me to sleep.
Ouch! How can it be so small, bite so hard? Hungry no see-um...
Train rumbling by, distant traffic sounds... Me, I’m sittin’ right here.
Long John’s on the line drying in a spring breeze. Free at last!
– A baby stirs, cries the morning glory opens. Another day begins.
My neighbor doesn’t meditate. - How does she find peace every day in her garden.
icy wheels - Winter freight train screech and squeal. Glad my head ain’t glass.
Trucks, saws, a chipper endless fascination for a small boy.
Grocery cart down... Afternoon escape attempt, foiled by the wind.
In the morning I hear – neighbor children laughing sometimes crying.
Seen my cell phone? I hear it ringing... Ah, in my pocket.
Mo Soulis © 2016