Karlo Sevilla is a freelance writer who lives in Quezon City, Philippines. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Philippines Graphic, Yellow Chair Review, Radius Lit, Spillwords, Indiana Voice Journal, Rambutan Literary, Pilgrim, Antarctica Journal, Sub-saharan Magazine, Wraith Infirmity Muses, and elsewhere.
An ardent practitioner of the martial art Brazilian Luta Livre, he is the 2016 Southeast Asian ADCC Submission Fighting champion in the -83 kg., intermediate division.
► Karlo's microchap & selected poem(s) are available below.
Origami Microchap
Selected Poem(s)
Cover collage: Vessels
by Jan Keough
Every Origami Microchap
may be printed, for free, from this website.
{mooblock=My Death Wish}
If you shall slay me with that guillotine,
I submit but beg not to bow my head, body prone. Let me lie on my back and gaze at the stars and your face... and that you'll kiss me one last time before the blade, my last prayer. •
Karlo Sevilla © 2017
{/mooblock} |