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July in the South
A southern summer: fried chicken sizzles the front porch swing creaks condensation rolls down the glass of iced tea blue sky puzzle pieces show amidst the clouds and a green tinged furry puppy runs joyfully through the fresh cut grass
Moonglow Ribbon
the haloed glow of the moon this night of mist and damp
delivers lunar beams which course over and around me as I twist and flap a banner in the indecisive wind
the sea gleams and sparkles she croons to me a lullaby a ballad hypnotizing age upon age this aria the depths and breadths assimilate my soul ever I sing back to her
The sun's dazzling rays ricochet off the tawny water
blinding me with their brilliance
There are spots dancing in my eyesight
Compelled to peer beyond the black holes I relish the loveliness encircling the ebony puddles
A strumming pulse throbs in my bloodstream
Cause and effect I melt into myself
The Blue Jay
A jay chases an ebony crow Pecking, scolding
I grapple with dark clouds Snarling, snapping
Desolate is the call afloat on the wind
Emerald leaves turn inside out Preparation for the coming storm
My skeleton ossifies to stone against my personal onslaught
My sculpted being watches the clouds part
Golden rays of sunshine flare amongst the gray
Subsequently wisps of hope drift skyward from my soul
Even as smoke from a bonfire soars alongside the fawn jaybird
Renee Butner © 2023

Cover: 'On the run'
A panting dog and quite still man stand ahead of me as I round a curve in the road.
Something in his posture causes me to slow to a walk. There...he points...
a fawn. I see it young and innocent and smile. Whisper, he is beautiful!
Quietly as possible I begin to run again, watching him. I smile for a long time.
as I run
in the morning as I run I forget the cares and trials to come later in the afternoon as I work I pound the street in bright blue shoes a beat pounds in my ears I mouth the words the summer heat beats relentlessly at me the relentless winter wind briskly cools my cheeks I cool down following the run while looking to the sky bare branches or green canopy block out patches of blue trivialities temporarily blocked the day now moves in as I go into the house
I used to count steps as I ran it drove me crazy 'til I began to carry an iPod Much better
Now I count cars that pass me and dog walkers and runners and those only walking
I texted my grandson one morning with an animal count one black-and-white dog one brown, a rabbit and a deer
When I do my cool down I count reps of my stretches but that is normal, right?
Two Haiku
Around the corner Lemon sun glows dimly Mist now dissipates
I once tried to run with Trixie, my daughter's dog Scar on my left knee
snow and slush fill the streets of my neighborhood here and there are patches of dull green grass peeking through
and tracks made on sidewalks by boots and paws over and
over have caused the snow to melt in places as well
so that soon enough I can leave the boring treadmill
in the gray cinder block corner of my basement
Sounds of Summer Lawnmower thrumming Dragonfly wings humming Woodpecker rat-tat-tatting Backyard party chatting
Undulating sprinklers hissing Brilliant fireworks whizzing
Kids in the pool splashing Sudden thunderstorm crashing
Runners' shoes beating Beach traffic horns bleating
Evening bonfires popping Everywhere flip-flops flopping
Contented tears all but leaking I on my porch swing gently creaking
Renee Butner © 2017