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Cover collage by JanK
a phoenix always rises
i remember all the aching, suspended in a limbo of pain; i thought that i would never rise again that i would succumb to this powerful and heavy negativity—
but one autumn day healing came swift and suddenly, and i started blooming in places i didn't even know i could;
i refound my magic and reclaimed both my voice and my magic because a phoenix always rises from the ashes of chaos.
not everyone we lose is a loss
tried to heal you with my light, but you wanted to break me with my darkness so when you released me from the gilded cage of lust; it was like i was being embraced by every goodness of the universe—
not everyone we lose is a loss, and i cannot say i am sorry you are gone; you were never meant to be a part of my soul's song—
& now i can appreciate my magic.
autumn was my savior
autumn has always been my favorite, now i have more reasons to love her; she freed me from every tie you wrapped around my heart and helped reconstruct the stained glass windows of my heart—and now the vision is as it always should have been, full of every whisper of the mythology of my bones and every petal and thorn and talon of my magic; and i am happy to be freed of every tragedy which spoke to me in the name of your lust because being alone is better than being destroyed by the tongue of someone else's want.
a distant memory
there is a kindness in autumn,
she has always been patient with me;
i love her scents of cinnamon and leaves, of apples and pumpkin; i love her golds and her oranges and her reds and every shade of purple and brown and every emerald green and shade between—
it makes sense that she was the one to whisper the magic back into my veins that i had forgotten; and i am grateful to remember me—
you are but a distant memory.
tears of the phoenix
the death you gave me was cold and cruel, but i woke one autumn day alive than i had ever been as if october fire is what my phoenix heart needed to be free of every tendril of your lust—
broke free of the cold, damp earth you planted around me to rise with brighter and more powerful wings,
your unkindness could not defeat me or my magic; every tear i cried ended up saving and healing me.
a phoenix only needs her fire
autumn was my hero, not you;
she was the one that reminded me of my magic and eased away my pain—
you thought you could stop me,
you may have shattered my rose tinted glasses; but it helped clear my vision so i could see people and things for who they truly were—
a phoenix only needs her fire to burn.
linda m crate © 2022
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Cover collage by JanK
spring is on her way
the skies are blue again, and sunlight dances through my window; some snow still lingers but spring is on her way— every day i look for crocuses on my way to work because those hearty little flowers tell me just how soon birdsong will be nesting in my ears, and so hope blooms in the garden of my heart; after the dark hard winter.
& so i believe
hope has been renewed in me as if the dark of winter has no power here,
and i am grateful;
the somber silence is cold and biting like a thousand knives no matter the beauty of the white diamonds littering the ground—
& so i believe that beginnings aren't so far out of my reach,
and dreams come roaring back into my mind and heart and soul again.
spring broke winter's curse
i will not be sad for the cold jewels of winter to fade away, and for flowers to take their place;
winter always feels as if it is too long and it is always so difficult to endure like a curse—
but spring has broken the dark spell cast over us, and so i believe in hope again.
all things forgotten by the snow
tongues of sunlight tease me as the blue skies return,
but already i feel the joy rising in me as the flowers of hope and dreaming bloom again in me;
all things forgotten by the snow will again be remembered:
flowers, leaves of trees, bird song, baby animals, life, and laughter—
sometimes like the earth i dream in flowers, and to know they are coming is a relief and a release from the season that is hardest on my heart.
the crows & i are happy
i hear the happiness of the crows eager to dive into the creek once more, and i cannot blame them for their eagerness; i have been dreaming of creek jewels and nesting birdsong for months in this bleak and dark gray winter— now that winter is passing away to make way for spring, my heart is dancing and ready for the vibrant colors of spring.
even me
as i see the green returning the grass, as i see patches of sunlight dancing in the cold breath of winter remaining;
spring plants hope in me
now we can see flowers, hear birdsong, taste hope, feel peace and renewal, and touch the petals of spring—
& so i smile remembering everything will bloom even me.
linda m crate © 2021
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Cover: Moon Conjure
by Lauri Burke
Every microchap
may be downloaded
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from this website.
i always shine
the sun isn't always there for me, sometimes his rays are cold and distant but the moon always guides me home; reminds me that i am beautiful even when i am not whole because i always shine.
moon: slayer of insomnia
once the moon woke me up, insisted i come downstairs; so i crept silently down— out into the grass i climbed dew covered gems glimmering in the light as distant owls hooted and coyotes cried and crickets chirped loudly, and i danced with the moon that evening she stole my restless energy so that i could sleep; insomnia fleeing.
the moon & her child
she is always watching over me, sometimes as a dragon other times as a lamb; she is my moody mother and i am her loving child— i know she loves me, too, because she stirs the oceans of me to the light.
moon mother
the moon is my mother, she guides me and tells me of things old and new; helps me discover myself— she taught me that my darkness isn't a weakness or ugliness, but another part of my being; and i shine whether i am day or night so i need not be afraid.
work of art
the moon gently glides across waters of my heart, reminding me; that, i, too am a work of art.
praise of the moon
the moon draws my gaze, her praise is never empty; her embrace always — meaningful she always has the right words to say when i have none.
Linda M. Crate © 2020
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Cover: Fractal wallpaper #5
Every microchap
may be downloaded
for free
from this website.
nature's heart
they say my eyes hold mystery it's the mixture of darkness and light, softness and thorns; but i remain firm in my resolve to be kind as the creek and wood and birdsong that nests in my ears every time i venture into the heart of nature.
heaven instead
i sang a song in the wood, and the trees danced with me as the fairies fluttered into and out of the light of this utopia called wonderlust or maybe it was heaven instead.
strange birds
ribbons of light danced upon the creek crowsong led me there tied together with autumn leaves.
healing waters
crows circle overhead as the creek danced over rocks lulling me to a restful pause upon the rocks light fluting through the trees giving peace where i thought there was only wounds.
hopeful light
a new world danced through the wood healed my wounded wings and so i sang and danced beneath the skirts of the creek, and laughter of sunlight stroked my cheeks with understanding and empathy making nightmares turn again to beautiful dreams even under starry skies.
a new bird
the magical wood sings to me of grace and second chances always welcomes me in to her gates with songs of newness and washes away all my anger and pain until only peace remains restores my light and my magic so i can shine with the best wings.
Linda M. Crate© 2018