Gail Goepfert is a poet, photographer, teacher, and an associate editor for RHINO Poetry. A Mind on Pain, a first chapbook, was released in 2015. She has two books forthcoming:
Tapping Roots from Kelsay Books in 2018 and
Get Up Said the World from Červená Barva Press in early 2019.
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► Gail's microchap & selected poems are available below.
Origami Microchap
Crouching for Water

Cover image from author
Every microchap
may be downloaded
for free
from this website.
Crouching For Water
I bend down with my camera in one hand spellbound by the bead of water as it quivers on the lip of hollow pipe, drips into the stone bowl— a tsukubai fed by water sleeved through bamboo.
Not washing my hands nor rinsing my mouth, not preparing for ceremonial tea,
alone with time slackened to a drip of a drop into pooled water,
I click. Wait with the patience of a sparrow click for the seed click to overflow the feeder again— for the click droplet to dissolve the stillness.
A friend led me here once. To be fed. I return— each time, each click a sacred cleansing.
Gail Goepfert © 2018
Nominated for Pushcart Prize
So Be It
--cento, Ruth Stone on Frida Kahlo
Fear lies upon the body split between the perfume of sex and pain.
In the wing-language of April, love lies asleep over the ravenous field— a botanist’s mirage of wildflowers.
My love lies folded into himself— the sadness of his quiet.
It is my body that knows my body— this sex and pain rushes behind the body bends to accommodate it.
After a while it becomes my old friend.
Gail Goepfert© 2018