Not long ago, he discovered a new interest; of Writing Poems. It seemed a good way to relax and calm himself. In his leisure time, he likes playing badminton, listening to music, watching movies and meeting up with friends. He also enjoys reading on many subjects from biographies to sci-fi.
► Solomon's microchap & selected poems are available below.
Origami Microchap |
Hong Kong - My Home |
Cover: Stock photo of Mong Kok -
Every microchap
may be downloaded
for free
from this website.
Hong Kong - My Home Squeezing through the Hustle and Bustle, Boarding onto the State-of-the-art Railway, Entering into the Monotonous Malls, Browsing through the Ever-expanding Social Media, Looking via the Weird Lenses of Ours, Writing through this Novice Piece, ● Solomon Au Yeung © 2018
Mong Kok
One of the Most Densely Populated When you Walk out of The Signature Red MTR station, Local Traditions vs. and Extreme Modernity; Regardless of the ‘Kok(s)’ you ●
Solomon Au Yeung © 2018
(This poem is to be included in the OROBORO Issue 1 under the Death Rattle Writers Festival)