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Cover: Disco Girl by Helen Burke
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She was the ultimate example of a woman who is pretty and nice to you -- which never happens -- and so you think you’re in love, suddenly dropping dead birds at her feet and she’s like “What the hell are you doing?” And you try to pretend you’re fluent in human, as if all relationships aren’t burdensome messes, just chances to flex your what the hell are you doing muscles.
Timothy Tarkelly © 2019
Tried to recreate the last supper. A lot of hugs and future plans, places we’d meet. Places we’d come back to, order the usual.
I order it all of the time, at the head of the table, though I’m the only eating, the only one there.
It’s close. The same soundtrack, but warped from the heat, making everything sound thinner, distant, with a thin coat of static.
I can almost grab it, just beyond the seams of my hoodie pockets. In the next post on my newsfeed, or the one after that.
I pay for this, too. Hard-earned money, longer hours just for standing room in the mezzanine of my own memories. Maybe, if I renamed my girlfriend nostalgia I’d go home more often.
Timothy Tarkelly © 2019