Origami Poems Project Logo

Neil Kennedy

Neil Kennedy May 2019  Neil Kennedy is a short form poetry enthusiast. He is a librarian with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing.
His recent publications include One Sentence Poems, The Road Not Taken, The Orchards, Right Hand Pointing, and Better Than Starbucks.
His poem, 'All Day After The Morning Our Dog Caught,' is included in the OPP contest anthology (on Amazon), 'The Best of Kindness.'  You may read his poem vis this OPP page link.


Neil's microchaps & selected poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title then save to your files.  

Origami Microchap

the beach says nothing    

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Neil Kennedy CVR the beach says nothing 2020 Nov

Cover collage by JanK


Out of concern for COVID-19,

I didn't visit the beach at all this summer.

Missing it, I decided to write about
the beach instead.

These little poems are the result.

- Neil Kennedy

He gives her flowers
on the beach. They plant roses
in the sand.


Board games on the beach.
Stopping play to watch the sand
in the hourglass.


A yellow jacket,
surprising the picnicker,
leaves the soda can.


Not waiting in line,
kids covet the gelato,
hands against the glass.


Walking on one’s own.
conversation samples pass
by on the boardwalk.


Imagine. Whose house
sits on that corner, watching
the beach and the ocean?


Outside the arcade,
the kids get up to a game
of paper football.

The car in the street
sits waiting for bicycles
to pass before it.


Girl on a park bench
Smiles and then looks away.
A shirtless runner.


Play ukulele
in the park and discover
how quiet it is.


The beach says nothing.
We argue on our blanket.
The beach says nothing.


The line for ice cream.
The moon touches the ocean.
The length of the year.

Neil Kennedy © 2020

Tiny House Poems     

Click title to download PDF microchap.

 Neil Kennedy CVR Tiny House Poems 2020 May

 Cover collage by JanK with
Change is Constant art by Lauri Burke

The tick of my watch
becomes louder when I place it
face down on my desk.

Pieces of puzzles
mixed up in their boxes
from summers ago.

By the kitchen stove,
bottles of olive oil
hold olive oil.

The clack of go stones
on wood mixes with the sound
of the sink dripping.

The names and borders
have faded from the surface
of my plastic globe.

Do not be afraid,
I say to my alarm clock.
The alarm still sounds.

The comfortable, smooth
heads of nails holding the hard
wood floor together.

An upset basket
spills fruit across the table.
Life is a still life.

Neil Kennedy © 2020

Ignoring the Door 


Click title to download PDF microchap.

 Neil Kennedy CVR Ignoring The Door May 2019

Cover collage by JanKeough 


Every microchap

may be downloaded
for free
from this website
Download & save the PDF
to your file.
(Set printer for landscape)




The wind is my guest.

It climbs in through the window,
ignoring the door.




Evening. You can feel
the cold of the hardwood floor
inside your socks.



Having neglected
to shovel my own sidewalk,
I stroll through my town.




Tell me when you are done.
I’ll throw you a funeral,
potted daffodils.




The blue jays have told
the other birds in the woods
their guests have arrived.



You can see the creek
through the trees in the winter
when their leaves are gone.


Neil Kennedy © 2019