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Cover Collage by Jan K
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From The Porch Window
Lilacs perfume the air. Pruning shears open close open close. Twigs and blossoms sprig my father’s flannel shirt. He sets down the clippers and moves to the roses. He bends, slips his fingers under a bright yellow head, and inhales deeply. Sharp sunlight and ginger leaves gild the ground, cast him in an aureole; the shimmer holds him still.·
Still LIfe: Apron
In the basement across from a wooden handmade work bench a machinist’s apron hangs from a metal hook on the wall. Oil soaks the canvas cloth, weighs it down and makes it look darker and older than it is. Two pockets pouch open – twin mouths tired, waiting for food.
A bamboo fishing pole leans on the wall next to the apron with a promise of rest, of a wash of waves infusing the air, of lake water fragrances loosing tight muscles – a rest with the promise of food for hungry mouths.
Marcia J. Pradzinski © 2020