Jennifer Met lives in a small town in North Idaho with her husband and children. She is a nominee for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthology, a finalist for Nimrod's Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry, and winner of the Jovanovich Award. Recent work is published or forthcoming in Cimarron Review, Gone Lawn, Juked, Midway Journal, The Museum of Americana, Nimrod, Ninth Letter, Sleet Magazine, and Zone 3, among other journals. Her haiku and haibun have been published in places such as Acorn, Contemporary Haibun Online, Crab Fat Magazine, Foliate Oak, Frogpond, Gravel, Gulf Stream, Haibun Today, The Heron's Nest, A Hundred Gourds, and more.
Her haiku have been selected for the Red Moon Anthology, and twice won a VCBF Sakura Award. She is also the author of the chapbook Gallery Withheld (Glass Poetry Press). www.jennifermet.com
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