Craig Kittner has lived a lot of places. Fourteen at last count. Providence saw the start of interesting things that DC helped solidify. He found expression through acting and painting over the years but has settled nicely into poetry since 2016. His work has recently appeared in Acorn, bottle rockets, Sledgehammer Lit, the Origami Poems Project, and The Main Street Rag, among others.
Wilmington, North Carolina is home now. It's kind of near the sea and full of light when the rain isn't falling. A good place to ramble and write. Craig is fond of birds, cats, and rain, but rarely writes of cats.
► Craig Kittner's microchaps are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title & saving to your pc. Set your printer for 'landscape' printing. Folding instructions are under the Who We Are menu tab.
Origami Microchap |
The Ticktockless Clock | |||
Cover: Tulip Tree effect by JanK • |
since I last
length of a worm
my shadow and the tree's
late summer breeze
old book
windless afternoon
fruit of summer’s ending
unmown grass
desktop calendar
fallen trumpet flower
last bit of red • Craig Kittner © 2022 |
The Cadence of My Return | |||
Click title to download microchap
Cover art by Craig Kittner •
What Did You Come Here to See? although I have a goal, I let my body yellow butterfly – again past pinecones in all conditions reaching the spot marked on the map the soft hammerings of woodpeckers |
Not Enough Trees to form the concept of a forest, Enough for a turtle nation, the deliverance of stings Let's call this a borderland, But there's trees enough Enough for the silence they make with the sun coming up behind, And everywhere there are cracks |
Leaving work the day after though the star to the right is probably Venus knowing names bodies move into alignment some outlive them How many names have the killdeer had At home, I spend some time • Craig Kittner © 2021 |
Click title to download PDF microchap
Cover image by author
no cream or sugar not much else the arguments of crows - overcast sky - days of writing spent I don't know how long without thought every thought you have a thought is no
I've read a hundred spiritual books deep in the woods I become aware all in stillness – it's good to remember this body and the mind - leaf on the breeze -
your voice sounds reasonable light from the winter-clouded sky your route is full of rushing under the trees – in stillness • Craig Kittner © 2021 |