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Cover: 'Cosmic Flower'by Lauri Burke
I keep turning my head to the left and thinking the overhead light above a fellow traveler reading on the C&J bus is the moon.
Ninety-five toward Newburyport is dark, and I’m looking for a light that’s other than the one that’s right from my iPhone screen.
My window won’t let in stars, only tracks of clouds upon the broader galaxy. Today rolls on toward the end.
Appeared in Mineral Lit Mag #4.2, Fall 2020 and inspired author’s short YouTube video.
Aubade in orange
The moon oranged hours ago and left. To leave as well when morning
comes is your set plan. Soon enough the sun will come oranging all.
Now, orange light, creeping in here, arranging what we both know is
already here: oranges on the table set for peeling raw.
Appeared in Melted Butter Magazine #2, Spring 2021.
The Last Tenement House
If it were not for the bare fact that subtraction is creative
you would not be what you now are. If just one more of what you are
still sprawled around this part of town, then who here could develop a
sensation of the loneliness we otherwise project away?
Half-moon over Worcester
Halo glitching distorting the white ear glowing over bent three-
deckers—does this fog precede the divine? or is it now made clear
we should expect merely one more week of clouds and rain? Everything
hinges on you— everything waits down here on you hearing our word
75 Wash
What else is there that’s as purely creative as that one floor tile
sitting before your eyes as you sit writing in your notebook with
spare lines stretching sideways, catching you as the white recedes as the
words crowd out the space there as you realize you’re on a tile floor?
Late October Friday, Madbury Road
In a couple of hours the rain, as if giving what it had been holding back—a summer's worth of water to bust the drought at once, making up for lost, dry time—would shock the gold trees bald, then leave them on the roadside like mummy monks begging a midday drink. But that would be all then. Under the dimming sky, that wasn't here yet. What was here— charged with twilight—glowing heads of street lamps showing the yellow path free and clear.
Appeared in Poppy Road Review, Feb 19, 2017
Matt Stefon © 2021