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Diane Webster

Diane Webster     Diane Webster's work has appeared in Old Red Kimono, North Dakota Quarterly, New English Review, Studio One and other literary magazines. She had micro-chaps published by Origami Poetry Press in 2022, 2023 and 2024. Diane has been nominated for Best of the Net and a Pushcart. She was a featured writer in Macrame Literary Journal and WestWard Quarterly. Her website is: www.dianewebster.com






 ►     Diane Webster's microchaps are available below. 

Sailing Illusions    

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 Diane Webster BioCVR Sailing Illusions 2025

Cover from web


Empty rowboat, inside
oars relax…
old woman’s hands
folded in her lap;
ripples slosh
wooden planks…
dreams massage
her brain into slumber,
and both drift off
on their own.

Winter’s Brig

Frozen under snow cover
the lake surrounds the island
like a tree with tattered sail branches
standing solitaire sentinel
over the island ship
stranded in winter’s brig.

Diane Webster © 2025

Fog Willingly    

click title to open microchap

Cover photo by author

I enter the fog
like a duck
lands on a pond
safe from shore

Deeper, deeper
I dive into vapor
and surface
on the other side
not even wet
from my journey.

I exit the fog
like a reflection
blurred by ripples.


The barren tree
extends its branches
like lightning charging
upward instead of down.

It reaches for the sun
like a lost ship at sea
in the fog until
a lighthouse illumines
its path to shore.

An old woman’s
veined hand rests
on the blanket…
an invitation to hold.

Journeys in Flight    

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Diane Webster BioCVR Journeys in Flight 2023

Cover collage by JanK


Memory Picture

A bumblebee clings
to the kitchen’s window screen.
As big as my thumb.
The bee. Not the screen.

I snatch my camera
and step outside as quiet as
a flower opening to sunshine.

I focus in
and am buzzed
by the bumblebee
before it flies
in search of nectar.

No picture …
just memory.


Cloud Musings

The tree grew a boat for me
to journey through clouds.

Butterflies flutter like dolphins
guiding my cruise past
wind swirls mimicking whirlpools
like carnival rides that motioned
me into sickness movement
even when I sat on the ground.

Seagulls or cloud gulls
wing overhead as angel harbingers
along for the ride listen to leaves
give a standing ovation
in confetti cascades.

And I am afloat
dipping my hand
in cloud fabrication
like eating cotton candy
in the breeze.

Between Journeys


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Diane Webster BioCVR Between Journeys 2022 

 Cover Photo by Author 


She is the between:
ocean and sky merge
in clouds and surf –
a reflection disturbed
in wave distortion.

Surf pounds against her feet
and splashes toward her knees
before rushing ashore
then folding backward again.

Sunshine cuts her in half –
a blue-ribbon mannequin
haloed to shadow sinking
on a sand-grained beach.

She leaves the beach
for the parking lot
where her car waits
between two parallel
white lines repeating.



Full moon silhouettes trees
with stick-like, witch-like limbs
stretching to tap one’s shoulder
with a knotty knuckle made
for shiver generation.

Branches disappear within
house’s gabled shadow
except for one lighted
window glaring at the night
outside where a peeping-tom
crow occupies a branch,
extends its darkness
like spreading wings
as the light clicks off,
and night overthrows
the unlighted world
like the crow, talons forward,


Dandelion fluff blown
one by one by many
until only the green stem
and head remains.

Brain cell by brain cell
memories scatter
like dandelion fluff
never finding fertile ground.

Day by day
everything blooms new
and the wind wags
stems in night shadows.



Beside the creek, bronze grasses
welcome autumn in audience
applause waving in expectation.

The sole survivor tree
no longer in leaves;
roots pulpy with ant devour;
bark sun-baked on its way
to bleached tree bones
freezes in statue pose
wondering when wind
or lightning desires its life,
and mountains inherit tallest
in the landscape.

Grasses proliferate
in hopes of comforting
the tree’s final repose
beside the creek
whispering dreams.
