Origami Microchap
Selected Poems
The Road Out Of Town |
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Artwork by Phil Pattinson
The Road INTO Town by Phil Pattinson
I and many other people will always thank Helen for showing us The Road INTO Town.
She was always willing to share her take on writing poetry and encourage people who wanted to write (and Paint) and thought they weren’t good enough to just write and get the work out there. Because that’s what was important to Helen, whether it was sending to publications or entering competitions and more importantly reading her work to an audience.
She was a prolific writer and when the thought came it had to be written down.
Helen wrote from the heart with humour, compassion, and above all honesty. She would ride that horse straight to the middle of town and tether it right outside the doors of the saloon. She wasn’t afraid to fall off that horse and, despite many setbacks health-wise, would get back up on that horse and keep on writing.
Because the Work was all important to her. Poetry can make a difference and I think she did just that. She wanted it to be fun and boy did we have fun.
I can never thank Helen enough for showing me the road INTO town and her memory will stay with me forever. - Love, Philsy
The Road Out of Town
When will I take you, I ask – The road out ??
Will it be tomorrow ? Will it ?
Oh, let it be tomorrow – Sweet as a peach that road And you, juicy with laughter. Rich that road, as rich as rich With peacock beginnings And myself with the shackles and the blindfold gone And this other road – forgotten. At first we will be dizzy with the joy of it But that wont matter – no – Just the feel of the road under our feet Shaking the dust of ages, The cruel hands of time from ourselves. Just the being Gone will be enough.
No barriers. No signposts. Just the sun shining on new black tar. The smell of it under our feet. And my little famine bones , mending again. With each bold step as further out of town I with my singing heart and my whistling soul am led.
And you will look around – oh yes And only know that I am gone. You will see the space I have left and say— Why yes – there was somewhere else she had to be— A path she always had to tread And you will hear me singing still As all sing when first they take that single step On the Road out of Town.
Remember me when I am gone away For I am Snowdrop I am Blackbird, I am Gull You say you want another summer with me All the summers of my heart I give to you I hold you in my arms I fly with you and you with me The Blackbird of my passing will be yours My mothers gull calls out over and over She too is snowdrop And awaits that call Remember me when I am gone away I am snowdrop, I am blackbird, I am gull I hold you in my arms Remember me.
This was the last poem Helen wrote...
Temptress |
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Cover: Self-Portrait by Helen Burke
Every Origami Microchap may be printed, for free, from this website.
In These Stranger Cities
In cities where they do not smile. Beware. Tread carefully. Something has occurred. Something primeval is ticking. Be Vigilant. You, little skipping person, you cannot change it. Inside an armoured box They have placed their smiles. Their goodwill. And you would need to be an army of biting-ness To change them. To send them back. To retrieve. Pack up your belongings, Your deepest hopes, your self. And leave. You have no other choice.
Though you thought you could help by your song. By your blackbird dance at the edge of time. They are entrenched, frozen and beyond you now. Not until the day of judging Will you be told – why and how. Dance little blackbird. Sing your little heart out. And leave. * Helen Burke © 2019
Ignoring Instructions
Is the only way to live, boldly Waywardly. A little wild. They give us the guide book as We arrive in Rome. The way to the catacombs, the chapel Of five wounds, the way of the rosary Are all laid bare. Step by troublesome step, And point by point, it suggests We head straight there. We shall be Absolved of all life if we only follow The do or die instructions. Instead, you and I are random In our wanderings, we arrive unexpectedly At dark alleyways where artists Sit and paint. We drink wine in sudden Outbursts and pour ourselves into the Sunset at every given moment. Except for the sunset. We shout Constantinople at strangers And remove our clothes in anticipation Of fountains. We profess to speak Italian we shout Va bene and ciao, and wave Our arms a lot, and brandish happy Faces in the face of soot and danger. The guide book is a guide to false Eternity, we have no use for it. The following of instructions may lead To death and worse. We kick our heels, We take our time, Rome has the scent Of rainbows and chaos. We may move to Rome. It may be Our salvation, our soul’s delight. As No one in Rome even believes For una momento, In the existence of instructions.
joy & laughter |
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Cover: Kingfisher cross-stitch
by Evelyn Berwick (Wrendale Designs)
The Growing of Tomatoes
When I come home from hospital And I have cheated death He and his chums have been found lacking... You say let us grow tomatoes. But , to be honest, I am not sure. What will this planting, this nurturing This coddling represent . You place the red riders of the storm In front of me. They are brash and beautiful.. I remember Why I love them. Under my hands, they come to life Could come to life. How can this be I ask you, that I, a fool Of sixty years can choose to grow tomatoes. But you seem certain that having Come this far, we can go on. Nothing is as it was and yet these tomatoes Give me hope. Every day the round belly of the future Beckons me, says plant, nurture, care for. Eat. My dear friend ..you should know If you eat the future and it is unexpected Be sure to plant tomatoes. As many as you can. Their juiciness, their sweetness Their overwhelming life will bring you back Int your body, your world, your soul. Your self. Come I say to you, the king of life ..of hope. Let us grow tomatoes one last time. Let us grow tomatoes.
Let me
Let me lie where there is heartsease Under a bluebell wood And only you know where. Let me feel the sun and the rain again In that small place. Let me remember joy and laughter And how to dance again. Let the birds call my name and myself Can answer. Let it be no more a puzzle, time... And let life be just itself within our Ticking grown brave hearts. Let you walk there when you wish Talk to me and i can answer, Your voice can call me home. Let me lie where there is heartease Under a bluebell wood. And only you know where.
Helen Burke
The Giraffe |
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The Giraffe Who Ate Eternity
by Phil Pattinson
Meditation on Courage
Courage is a bicycle and I ride it Up hill and down Dale , every day. The wheels are my heart ticking away. The handlebars are my soul Steering so true, with your hand In mine we two stay on course And the sky becomes again blue. Round and round the wheels of my Heart sing as we climb the steep hills There is no telling with courage how much May be asked, Courage smiles on the story that we two Have told. Let the bicycle of courage Keep you well. Though you have some Miles to go, the sun will come out. And the compass of your love Will Keep you brave.
Your birthday , and we talk about New Beginnings. We empty out the old hatreds And bleed no more. Today is the kind of candytuft Garden You might lay your head in at the last. Beginnings are poised to be frightening Nothing is known about them. They are the pale ballerina shoe dancing In the dark. They are the wished-for moon speaking To you in the unlikely midnight. We have always been the very beginning Of the light , now we see that . We chirrup like sparrows heralding A new world. The eagle and the owl are endings But sparrows have the best of it. Our hands hold to each second with Each other in the half light of hope. This is our last beginning my love. And our finest.
Right Gig |
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Cover: 'Green Man'
from Helen & Phil's Garden
Right Gig
It seems years later we were at The same gig, but with The wrong people. Me with a man who was cheating on me People counted their fingers after they shook His hand... And you with a girl who kept dead Butterflies and liked to wear Boiler suits. We probably stood next to each other At the bar, looked through The music and into each other’s eyes. Recognizing the future is an art. Looking back, I could swear You held my hand, asked me to wait For you.
In the crowd we swore allegiance To each other, made the pact that Blood brothers make, arranged to meet Twenty years from then when all The crap was over, done with. Wherever have you been he said...? Wherever have you been she said? Nowhere, we said. Held our breath, girded our loins Steeled our little twin souls.
Now we knew what was coming... Hoped we might just survive.
Those of us who are allowed Do we have the best of it? Myself I am not allowed. If the universe suspects I have Anything It rears up, lashes out. Takes back. Even the sky overhead the green Field beneath my feet Come at a price. So I pretend a game, lead it To believe I am destitute The prohibition in my soul complete Fool the universe. Sometimes it works. Today you make the coffee and I say No, not for me While I am drinking it. By afternoon we will know which Way the wind blows. The knock on the door, the Quiet exposé, the taking down Of the pictures from the walls. I am not allowed I sing as they Lead me to the train, and Then the showers. How many lifetimes must we pay The price. Is it allowed we ask , over and over. The thread of our love so strong. Always ,it survives. And this they cannot bear. The visibility of love ,of hope, of truth. What else to live for ? What else ?
Flowers in my hair
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Artwork by Helen Burke
Sandra is a child of Peace and Love
Sandra is five foot two. Sandra is fierce, like Boadicea. We are on our way to Knebworth in an old jiloppy, my red hat is floppy and I’ve got sandals on and we’ve got joss sticks in the van. Joni Mitchell is playing in the park, we’ve borrowed keith’s van and we’re off to Knebworth for a lark.
Sandra works at Woolies - plastic roses care of Daz decorate her hair. If you can remember Sandra in the sixties you probably were not there . Me – I’m a rebel in my leopard skin pill box hat and Sandra – she’s a child of Peace and Love.
I’ve been selling Oz magazine in High Street again, I’m a student, I’m a rebel, when they call at my door – me mam’s packed me sandwiches, I said I’ll be home by four – I’ve got a dahlia in my hair – if you can remember me and Sandra – you just so were not there – me I’m a rebel, quintessential psychedelic, and Sandra, she’s a child of peace and love.
Its 1994, when I meet Sandra again – she says – What you doing now pet ? Do you fancy a cup of tea, we can nip down to Greggs, I’ve got the 40p. Barry? – the one with the headband – he’s living in Oz now – I wish I’d never met him, a flaming square – As far as happiness goes, he was definitely not there Do you remember I was a child of peace and love??
She says all the bairns have gone and she’s divorced twice now – she’s doing a course in self development – worra laugh – about bloody time eh ?? There are lines around her eyes – which is no surprise to me, no not at all – When we pass the flower seller in the Big Market , I can almost smell that perfume of when we didn’t have a care – She says – “Do you remember “ I say – of course not – we were there. I’ll always be a rebel. And you are still a child of peace and love. • Helen Burke © 2017
Football - The Religion |
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Cover by Helen Burke
Football research
by Phil Pattinson
The Match
Because o.k. lets face it
Life is a match.
You know it and I know it.
And where you sit depends on how it goes.
And – you never get to pick your own team.
And so much depends on the colours of your scarf.
(None of this is by choice – you think it is, but no.)
Helen Burke © 2017
My Lucky Boots
These are my lucky boots. No kid. No sweat. I keep them in the hall , on the right side of the hall. I fasten them with laces, very special laces. Only the best will do. These are my lucky boots.
They are going to score a dream goal. Today and every day. They are going to win the cup. Me knees have all gone trembley cos I’m on me way to Wembley. These are my lucky boots.
No-one’s allowed to touch them. Especially not me brother. He always wants to wear them To get him out of bother. I keep them in the hall where Only I can see them.
I even wear them in my dreams, My feet would know them anywhere. Sometimes I have a nightmare – They’ve been given to the jumble, And I have to go and find them And everyone else can see them. Except me.
But, I can see them in the hall. Safe as houses. Twice as precious. I will never ever lose, In my lucky, lucky boots. Only the best for me In my lucky, lucky boots.
Helen Burke © 2017
Kidnapping The Last Happy Day
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Cover: The Green Piano
by Helen Burke
Every Origami Microchap may be printed, for free, from this website.
My Name is Still Available
Let me be clear, my name is still available
For hurricanes. But I fear it will never be used. Because All I will insist on is calling it Poetry. And Evenings of Wild Flamenco .. And perhaps a Little Night Music.. And some decent Chinese Food.. I can sense my removal from the “List“ already And the box next to Hurricane Norma Gets ticked. What can I tell you ?? The woman wears beige and reads romance… You’ve only yourselves to Blame. •
Kidnapping The Last Happy Day
You can ask why did we do it ? But I would say – why not ..? We have kidnapped the last happy day in the Universe. It was easy – it was just being itself – not expecting trouble. And we have had enough – and action was called for. Its not that I like to see it hands and feet bound – Its not that I enjoy bringing it water. But what else was there for it .... No one else seemed bothered , to give a damn. And now you’re sitting up , taking notice of our demands. Which are . Not money or helicopters or our own private island – no. All we want is more happy days like this one while there’s still time. All we want is an end to the endless riddle of wars and suffering . Until you meet our demands we will be ceaseless in opposition. So – 12 o clock on the Brooklyn Bridge is where you will meet us. And you will bring the document signed in your own blood. And the happy Day that shines like a beacon in our kitchen Will be released. It will have been well treated and not harmed in any way. And you will not recognise us – we will look like every other Person in the Universe. Except you .
Climbing Trees
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Cover: Sketch of Helen
by Phil Pattinson
over photo by Jan Keough
Every Origami Microchap may be printed, for free, from this website.
If I had never seen a butterfly
The world would be broken and smaller My one only flight would be baffled and weary My own wings hanging unused My own soul held under water by a dark stone The scent of jasmine gone from my hair The wild lilac no longer adrift The crushed butterfly at my parents grave A mystery of remembered truth A bell that does not sound A cloud whose name is freedom Left to languish in my heart A burden begun when there was none A mountain top and no way to ascend A lover’s picture speaks to myself But the language and the words undone If I had never seen the butterfly What reason to say the brutal act of wisdom That greets tomorrow… As if I were a bird of wonder Of innocence, of captured joy If I had never seen the butterfly I would with my whole heart Invent
Helen Burke © 2016
Climbing Trees
Soft as tissue paper the tree smiles. Phil tells me how many trees he’s climbed Me, I’ve never climbed a tree And that is what my life lacks. I am all hugging trees but he is climbing the tree Scaling and ascending up up into the blue air Why is the air always blue, probably isn’t, you know Up into the Turneresque air Now look how I try to make a poem of it But Phil has simply climbed the tree And this is what my life lacks I would like him to climb more trees in our front room We must install more, and we do today A Rowen an Oak and an Ash A Willow, the Willow tree is special The nearest I ever got to climbing a tree And this is what my life has lacked In the dream my hands and arms work again I cheer I laugh to see my beautiful hands again Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I have never held a bee , I have never climbed a tree And this is what my life has lacked. And Phil is tall as a tree And stretches up up into the atmosphere As if he is flying a kite As if he is in Mary Poppins As if he is a magical hare As if he is a fox climbing tree At the top of the tree will be white sliced bread Toasted like on a old galley train And we will climb and climb and the tree will be wonderful What we build in the tree, soft wonderful tree, the things you can hide in the tree And this is what my life has lacked The tree is Monroe the tree is an eagle The tree is a Rowan all singing all dancing And still Phil climbs and he reaches a hand down to me Gives me a hand up And I follow him up the tree The tree beyond words of beauty The tree that I have lacked , he gives me back he gives me back That tree that tree he gives me back so many trees I lose count of them And him self walking in a forest Not caring but always daring A magician tree a Phil tree My tree of always And now I finally get to climb that tree
Helen Burke
Kaleidoscope Life
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Cover Art by Helen Burke
The Valley of Happy Songs
The valley of happy songs is where I want to live The valley of happy songs is all that Wales can give When the midnight Curlew sings When the Sloeberry blossoms The valley of happy songs is drifting and a dreaming The valley of happy songs is where I want to live The valley of happy songs is a cadence That I have never heard before The valley of happy songs overwhelm, overcome me. The valley of happy songs is where I’ll walk one day with you my love The valley of happy songs is in my heart and in my head The valley of happy songs is where I’ll walk one day The valley of happy songs is beautiful, so beautiful I cannot tell you The songs you sing there you’ve never heard before The songs that were sung there were with you when you were born Will be with you when you leave The valley of happy songs is where I’ll walk one day
Helen Burke © 2016
New Childhood
In this our new religion You feed me, clothe me, bathe me And when people come and ask how we are We smile and say ..we are fine and dandy ..doing good. And our hearts beat a little faster at the mask we wear. A mask is not new to us And we are adept at wearing. Like a shell at the sea’s edge ..i lean on you and you on me . The birds of the air pull us through another day. The song of the ocean is you And I am a small sparrow diving into the midnight hours of morning. Outside my window a blackbird asks how we are And him we can tell. You pour me a glass of wine It is the colour of fine roses And we drift and dream into the heart of it. We sew each other back together Watch Rebel without a cause And thank our lucky lucky stars That the moon has been ours to take as lover ...one more time.
Ringo's House
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Cover: Drawing by Helen Burke
- Painting by Phil
Ballad of Penny Lane
I remember the first time I heard Penny Lane We sang it at school, we sang it in the street We sang it anywhere we could - Wherever young people meet. I saved all me pocket money To go to Liverpool to take the Ferry across the Mersey And seek that Lane out. Everyone had their favourite Beatle Stuck the pictures of them from Jackie magazine Up on the bedroom wall. They were what life in the sixties Was all about. * Helen Burke © 2016
Ringo's House
It’s always the last one on the tour And that’s only if you ask – and then the driver Might, only might, go home that way. No-one knows much about it and they are Going to knock it down anyway.
Two women at the back say it’s a scandal and ask The man at the back with the dog called Clancey What it looked like in its heyday – What was the wallpaper like ?? The curtains ??
But he can’t remember – just that they were all in and out Of each other’s houses all of the time .. Everybody was everyone’s friend - And that Ringo’s mam did great fry ups. And big mugs Of tea. And eggy bread.
And it’s getting really dark now – because John and Paul’s houses took such a long time - and it’s the whole street in twilight, a kind of purple twilight suitable for a drummer As we all sit quiet as if we were at mass... and look the house Up and down as if we were buying some song from the past.
And the man with the dog gets out for a smoke – And another car pulls up – and asks the way to George’s house... And the house of the drummer that will soon be ashes That will soon be just dust gives out a long sigh Into the Liverpool night.
And through the window you can see that the wallpaper Is green and still intact and that across one of The boarded up bits – someone has written LOVE ME DO . “It’s a damn shame,” says the chunkiest of the women And hands round cheese sandwiches while The other one gets out and leans against the wall like A Da Vinci figure – and puts her hand up against the window.
And one by one we all get out – and sure enough the driver Starts to sing Love me Do – and the dog barks along. And suddenly its 1963 again – and the Cavern is Just down the road. And all of us are young. And the house glows in the twilight. And everything still to play for – hope in our hearts In the compelling and deafening Liverpool night. • Helen Burke © 2014
A Certain Kind of Mist
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Cover: Startled Flight
by Helen Burke
A Certain Kind of Mist
Has arisen this morning over the field .. and It is blowing away our walk amongst the bluebells. Sometimes mist takes ..sometimes it gives. Mist reaches out into the soul. Entwines itself there Like brambles on the open road ..like a lost child .. Like a star unknown on the way to being a comet. On our bluebell walk there were hills and valleys And a strange bright creature that walked with us .. It changed into a bird and then a tall rugged foxglove. It had a story in its soul that was my own. I said to you – how good it is to walk here Where my footsteps can echo the earth’s heart once more.. And the bright creature smiled and shone the mist away. And the mist she did not mind .. and the song she sang Was the song of all good peoples as they walk Upon the earth, leaving only kind words and deeds. That is the mist I dream of.. hope to be Until the bluebell wood is come again, my love.
Helen Burke © 2015
Picasso Woman
Today, again, I am her. Picasso woman with all that that implies. My nose is upside down and cabbage shaped, my mouth suctioned to my breast And my breast ramshackle in the hedgerow behind me.
My eye is in my foot, the other one throbs in my stomach And keeps a close watch on the rest of me. My coiled hair Stretches from here to Timbuctoo and is both green and blue And the eye in my stomach is lilac. What’s a gal to do ??
My hands are nests of blackbirds coiled around the moon And it’s a privilege to wear these mermaids legs. The tail swishes and has its own buttonholed agenda Of summer days and mountain tops and misty nights and Eagle hearts. The eagle herself is my spine that never retreats.
My garden is full of the old boat that rocks that I must call myself... And the Picasso woman I am become smiles to see the pieces I have become, without even trying . I can paint myself no other ending than this, the whole of me A curfew, a lighthouse, a word I did not know, a sparrow Sunning itself in the sun.
Helen Burke © 2015
Corfu Town
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Cover Photo: Corfu Patio
by Phil
Under the Old Tree, Corfu Town
Here we sit, and are happy. Here, where the old lady goes through the bin, Where the old man sits next to us With the worry beads. Where the thin grey cat eyes up your doughnut With sudden magnolia eyes. Where the café waitress with caramel skin And cookie dough arms smiles across. Where the elegant blonde lady walks her poodle. Also elegant and happy. Where the two Greek dancers (brothers) Kick their heels and slap their thighs And make the world more joyful. Where the lemon tree shudders in the heat Where the fig tree sighs like a gentle breeze In the shade And has the best of it. Where the jewish boy’s sunglasses reflect the world In the huge saucer mirrors.. Where a tray of melons is delivered, Each bigger than the world.. Where you and I say – THIS then is the moment.. This is the moment to remember Like a ripe kumquat And this is the place to return to Under this benevolent tree That ask for nothing from us .. This is the place to return to, I say, When all is over, all is ended. Just the scent of bougainvillea and gardenia And you will find me my love .. Under this good hearted tree and in no pain. Rested and all is well. You will find me. You will find me.
Helen Burke © 2015
The Dogs of Corfu
We hear them barking in the night . All night. You say they are not having a party. In the day we pass the villas where they are chained, Or running free along the walls. A little white one waits for us every night. She barks and barks. Then three wild dogs set about your heels as we walk Down the last stretch home. Two are huge , but the smaller one looks meanest . Two large dogs behind a wall see them off, And we almost run back to the hotel. The only dogs we see in the day lie comfortable, asleep Outside tavernas where the smell of grilled chicken overpowers. What cats we do see, look afraid and almost wilted in the heat. Beware of the Dog is on every other gate, and I tell you There is no crime on the island. Wonder why. • Helen Burke © June 2015
Once I Knew
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Cover "Degas-esque"
by Helen Burke
Man Sweeping Leaves
So, it’s like this. A man is sweeping leaves in the garden. He sweeps all the troubles of the world away. I ask you what you are sweeping and you say World peace into that corner And against the flower border, an end to famine. And in the centre, I say… where all the leaves are piled like A mountain of souls?? That is all our happy days piled up together... lest we forget them. And you sweep for another hour. A man who understands the art of leaves Is a man amongst men. And myself behind the glass reaching out to you, To the air that swirls around you and speaks of an end to winter. And the snowdrops by the door cheering you on.
• Helen Burke © 2015
Once I Knew
When I was a dancer , then I knew what I was about. I could pluck the blue sky and the moon Down from the sky and wear them both And balance on the edge of clouds. When I was a dancer.
When I was a dreamer, then I knew what I was about. I could hover over a green field and place The heart of it into my ribs, and laugh That I could do this. When I was a dreamer.
When I was a sparrow, then I knew what I was about. I could tether the air to my wings And become each tree, each drop of nectar That dazzled me in flight. When I was a sparrow.
When I was an apple, then I knew what I was about. I could close my eyes And feel the plumage of the forest And the flight of the birds, And the dancing girl Who so easily captures the minarets and towers Of eternity that is love in her two feet. When I was an apple.
When I was a grain of sand, then I knew nothing. Except that I was a dancing girl With a sparrow for a soul And a dreamer for my spirit self – And an apple for my head – Flowing and rolling away to the seas edge To the ends of the world, Under the bridge of time Where all such dear friends are gathered, Until the end of the world – Then all is revealed. When I was a grain of sand, All is revealed. • Helen Burke © 2014
Inside a Dog's Head
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Cover art by Helen Burke
Inside a Dog's Head
(For Wendy and Pixie)
There are three words
Inside a dog's head. Walk.. Friend and.. Sausages.
Throughout the day when they are not
Devising a better philosophy for the world
These words run in tandem up and down
The field and in and out of the woods.
By the stream when they stop and give you that quizzical look
They are unlearning all that jeopardises and intimidates Happiness.
A dog always hopes that we will see sense and undo
All the harm we somehow inflict upon each other.
They explain the word friend while chasing their tails
Or running for a stick.
But even while they spell it out
We walk back to the car .. not seeing autumn under our feet
In need of scrunching. Not seeing the trees so fearful
Of the white world that soon hangs on the branches.
But inside a dogs head – there will always be another Spring.
Sausages for tea. And. Another friend to make.
Another walk to take – down to the silver stream.
• Helen Burke © 2014
The Kindness of Dogs
You say it and it is true. Dogs are kind. They buy small dog treats for each other. They hold doors open for cats. They run rings around the moon , Bury the sun in the sand and throw sticks For the stars.
Dogs are kind. They put paws on your knees on bad days. They hold a light out to you in their eyes. They run to the top of the mountain and bark “Which stone did you want ?? which one ??” And race back down with it and place it gently at your feet. Dogs are kind (you say it and it is true). They bark in all the right places at the theatre and hide Behind the sofa in the scary movie. They share their ice cream With you, no questions asked.
Our dog – Zorro - the one we have not met yet Will be our best chum, best in the whole world. He will be faithful and strong. In dreams he runs right up to me, barks, and says “You look a little peaky. Why not take a year off And come with me to Zanzibar? Stretch your legs and chase Your tail. See all that world out there? It’s yours for the asking.” And he gives me one of his fleas as a token of goodwill. Dogs are kind.
They run into the sun and look amazed that it is wet But they do not take offence. They love a through breeze in their ears hanging out of windows A breeze that says they’re happy in all the different continents. Dogs are good map-readers and they always Know a better route – past the poodle beauty parlour and turn Right at the Dog and Duck. Dogs lay their heads beside you and know just what you’re thinking. Dogs favourite word is walk. Dogs are kind. • Helen Burke © December 2014
The Healing Pool
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Cover design by Helen Burke
Different Snowdrops
Different snowdrops Different snowdrops, different lives Outside my window , a snowdrop is singing. It is brave , so I am brave. You say – lets go down to the woods And see the snowdrops, the bluebells. I don’t even know where the woods are, except The ones I’ve been living through all my life. For you, the woods are just somewhere you visit With picnic laughter and bright star feet. For me, the woods are what I wake into each day And try and crawl out of, make my way home. But, just this snowdrop has come today – to say One day, for you, there will be no more woods. I could not explain this to you – how myself and this White guardian sing out our hearts under the snow That would bury us, crush us. Just to stay alive. This is our aim. And this cannot be explained. • Helen Burke © 2014
The Healing Pool
Yesterday, was not a good day. But, last night, I dreamed I was dipped in water. In such a pool as I have never seen. It was glorious – the water silver and deep
And lush flowers growing all around. And people balanced in the water, like acrobats Or dolphins, leaping higher as they gained strength.
(And I said, let me walk here forever.)
And around the edges of the pool were all manner Of creatures, living side by side – because over them The waters had cast a spell. Of truth, of hope. And two pools there were – And I was dipped in the first – Then jumped myself, into the second Without a thought of harm or capture.
And the water washed over me, and was warm and rich on the body. And seemed like an old friend. And I wanted to stay and be beside this pool for ever. Never to leave its warmth, its beauty.
And even now, I have no memory of leaving, or being asked to leave. Only a voice saying “Later my dear, later.”
And when I woke – sure, the world was turned around. • Helen Burke © 2013
Visiting the Parrot
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Cover art & design by Helen Burke
Visiting the Parrot
Through the window I could see the small cage, And his shape clutching at the edges of it. She made us tea – the woman. I have saved him, she said, from definite destruction. If it weren’t for me, she said – where would he be? She let him out and he climbed sideways down to have a good look at me - Leaning a little breathless (that being the two of us) I sensed a fellow clown, an acrobat – squawking – Only let them see what we want them to see. Chintz wallpaper. Earl Grey in perfect white porcelain. And the sky outside – beckoning. And our two hearts like defused weapons. He went a little dizzy with the sweetness of the air (much as I do myself on good days) Tell me how goes it? we asked each other. His head leaned on my shoulder before he climbed back in. And the teacups rattled and through the window, I swear I saw and heard the sky itself – I could feel the two of us – clutching at the edge of it. • Helen Burke © 2013
All I want, before the end Is a few days in the sun. Somewhere to catch my breath. That’s all I ask. Perhaps , an old apple tree – And myself to sit there, with my head on your shoulder. And to tell you that I love you. And to know that you love me. A simple soul. That’s all I ask – before the end.
(for Phil) written on 26th june 2012 – and the sun IS shining. HELEN BURKE © 2012
The Leaves of Dachau
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Cover design by Helen Burke
Two Dreams Two dreams I had, and not sure which to believe. In the first I am in a dungeon. No way out ever, and can’t get home. There is the sound of my own blood being drawn And metal in the air, a smell of sulphur. The feeling I came there on a horse – and he too Has not escaped. I am in white and wield great power and all of this Has been my downfall. In the second dream – I am a dancer again, waiting For my turn in the wings. A blue billowing curtain stands before my face And while I wait I write my name Over and over in the sand with my ballet shoes. The music is sublime – and two old friends arrive And argue as to who will dance with me. They both say they will come back later, But I know this will not happen. This dance I wait to do is mine alone, a thing apart. A lonely eagle calling out to air from the mountain I have called my heart. (There are promises we keep & cannot kee- - even In our dreams.)
Two dreams I had, and not sure which to believe.
• Helen Burke © 2012
The Leaves of Dachau
This is the language of leaves. They who are gone before they are gone. “The moment you give in, falling is forever,” they whisper. Inside this one leaf I can see – life is hanging on. I can see it is arrogant. I can see it is stubborn. Even though the cold has come. Even though the other leaves are in hiding. It will not fail.
On these trees there is no room to sit, no place to breathe, to speak no chance to say goodbye, no farewell space. Look. This is the place where they fall. Their bones crushed into the cold earth. Winter happens under the very eyes of Spring. Year after year, and still. Nothing is done. Just the black rage of buried leaves falling victim to the air. Winter has a file on ice. Autumn goes to the shelf, reaches down the dark book, interrogates each one. There is a power of frozen words beneath the ice. They are ours forever. They who are gone. Before they are gone.
Where will it all end – this falling ?? Mother by father. Sister by brother. The voices resound in the earth. Dying comes easily to leaves. This sky holds the blood of them, season after season. But, this one leaf, that is holding on. It keeps something of the sun in the corner of its souls eye. There is a whisper they will not shake it. • Helen Burke © Feb 2012
Let There Be Chocolate
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Cover by Helen Burke
Chocolate Credo
I believe in chocolate. I believe that chocolate is a gift from the Gods and should be used accordingly. I believe in hundreds and thousands being sprinkled on it And bars of it being eaten all of a piece. No messing. I believe that chocolate is the giver of life and a happy soul. I believe that chocolate is what they made Christmas for and that Chocolate bunnies had it coming to them. I believe in chocolate. And that it preceded human beings is obvious. There has always been chocolate since cave man times. Chocolate was brought here by another race called the Deliciosa’s. They were small and friendly and had chocolate buttons on their coats And saw how Earth was struggling and so. They gave us chocolate. They left a large cocoa pod for early man to find outside the cave One Christmas morning and we have never looked back. I believe in the Deliciosa’s and all they stood for. They knew we just might make it through if we had chocolate to fall back on. Whole mountains of it; whole babbling brooks of it; whole fountains of it. I believe in the truth of the crispy caramel bar and the hope hereafter Of always having a tube of Smarties or a Dime bar somewhere in easy reach. I believe that there is a good tomorrow for you and me, as long as We clap our hands – all together – and continue to believe in chocolate. The Holy Grail of it – the Swinging my legs on a Gate of It – The Deliciosa legacy of CHOCOLATE! • Helen Burke © 2012
The Other Side of Midnight
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Cover art by Helen Burke
The Moon is Crying It seems a strange sort of night to any other. A night when friends can call to each other and remember, Hold each other close. We notice the moon is crying, tear by tear. The tears fall over the castle and down the hill. My eyes cannot see all of the picture, though the moon hangs low obligingly. Someone brings out the wine, we stir it with jasmine stems. The picture almost complete. Only my heart hangs back. Only my heart says wait. There are two moons tonight (the one watches the other). We bring nothing but ourselves to this silent space, why, the moon herself Has brought no more. She is a silver guardian, a panther that walks before and behind us. Which moon are we to believe ? Which moon is real?? - for, the moon never lies. We follow the braids of her long black hair. We ascend star by star, following her panther stride. We take each separate moon as we find her – in the root of a tree, In the hoot of an owl, in the thumbprint of dawn. This crying moon is the moon in truth – and tonight as ever – The moon never lies. • Helen Burke © 2011
Drawing Dogs

Cover design by Helen Burke •
Drawing Dogs I have taken to drawing dogs. They have begun to seem more like people Than people. I feel more certain that they will Inherit the earth. I feel safer when a dog snarls Than when a person smiles. I can see them deciding not to think of all the answers Before they’ve eaten their dinner. I can see they’re not bothered if the post is late Or if they miss the bus to Fulham Broadway. Their faces do not pose when you look at them. (And then try and pretend that They’ve just seen you.) If they’re happy, they’re happy – and sad if they’re sad. If they got begging letters – They would answer all of them. In their heads, all of them are riding motorbikes Across France Without a cur in the world. And most brilliantly of all – they do not write poetry. I like dogs. • Helen Burke © 2011
ALL Of These Poems Are Edible

Cover design by Helen Burke
The Russian Doll that was My Mother Like the Russian Doll we kept on the sideboard – That was you, mam. Foreign, exotic, that mysterious smile, unfathomable. Your exterior of certainty, so hard won, over years. (How many dolls since I saw you ?) For everyday, you used the first doll – she is tough and gruff. Sometimes on birthdays and at Christmas A second doll appears – kinder-eyed and softer. Then once — walking home – myself falling on the ice – A further doll still – one who held me tight and said – “My Lass. My Own Lass – You They Must Not Break.” And so we walked together on – through the dark-eyed storm. (How many dolls since I saw you?) That last doll, mam – her I never met nor even knew. But what strange mystery she had – I know I learned the trick from you. Dangerous the doll that gives too much away. How many dolls since we walked through the storm?? How many? How many dolls? • Helen Burke © 2010
The Whisper of Birds

Cover design by Helen Burke
Tonight, the moon is a river. A silver shadow whose face we admire. The moon turns the rivers pages like a book. Softly, the page turn, one by one. In the river ourselves, our faces, turning. Here, where the edges of trees frisk our shadows and trace the night shapes of houses – we are watching for owls. I am convinced they are near. It is only that the dark trees are hiding them It is only that the old boats are hiding them. The owls fly inside my own eyes – in and in, flying lower and lower. My thoughts become feathers. My dreams have no edges. Flight swallows me. I am owl and moon and river and night. The stars watch over me – the pulse of the water greets me, keens for me that I must watch here, so late. It is the hour for owls. I hear the slow beating of their coming. A train passes, holds the moon in each of its windows. Myself, I am held by the promise of owls. My throat holds a shadow, it grows and grows and from it flies the first of them. • Helen Burke © 2010