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Barbara Anna Gaiardoni

 gaiavana photo   Barbara Anna Gaiardoni & Andrea Vanacore alias gaia & vana are finalists of the Edinburgh “Writings Leith” contest. Barbara earned her spot on the Haiku Euro Top 100 list for 2023 and on The Mainichi’s Haiku in English Best 2023. Her Japanese-style poems has published in 145 international journals.

Andrea's video and photographic works encompass his performative approach toward reality that he puts in dialogue through his investigation. His long professional experience was able to give concrete form to his passion, in the name of a kaleidoscopic and versatile art without predetermined boundaries.
They are life partners in Verona City (Italy).

 ► Barbara Anna Gaiardoni's microchap & poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title.  

    Origami Microchap  
moon's haiku      


Cover: “Sapphic Love" photo
by Andrea Vanacore.



pink moon
by inspiration


luna rosa


flower moon
a treasure trove
of vintage teacups


luna dei fiori
un tesoro di tazze
da tè d'epoca


strawberry moon . . .
red with embarrassment


luna delle fragole . . .
rossa per l'imbarazzo




buck moon
at the local open mic night


luna del cervo
alla serata open mic locale

Barbara Anna Gairdoni © 2025

Eating Haiku      

 Barbara Anna Gaiardoni Eating Haiku 2024


Cover: ‘Weave’ by Andrea Vanacore (andreavanacore.it)




summer rain
speaking of photogenic


pioggia estiva
parlando di fotogenia




worm moon
dream listless


luna del verme
sogno svogliato


a dragonfly
in mating season
nothing is missing


una libellula
nella stagione degli amori
non manca nulla



a mosquito
seal the windows
call for backup


una zanzara
sigillate le finestre
chiama i rinforzi

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni © 2024

Gaiardoni QR code


Click title to download microchap

 Barbara Anna Gaiardoni BioCVR Untitled 2023 Spring

Cover art credit: "Airflows" by
Andrea Vanacore—andreavanacore.it

"Your confidence warms the heart. Thank you so much, Tanya Brunello".





crazy april
the first moon

aprile pazzo
la prima luna



black sheep
the intent of the bud
still sleeps

pecora nera
l’intento della gemma
dorme ancora


the crows caw
head down without
even a goodbye

i corvi gracchiano
a testa bassa senza
nemmeno dire addio



snake print
cowboy boots
night-owls shriek

texani pitonati
le civette stridono


the stars fade away
like water on the sand
in the shade

le stelle svaniscono
come l'acqua sulla sabbia


music box
shut up

ninna nanna
stai zitto

Barbara Anna Gaiardoni © 2023