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Catherine Arra

Photo of Catherine Arra by Jennifer B Muirhead Photography 2024   Catherine Arra is a native of the Hudson Valley in upstate New York, where she lives with wildlife and changing seasons until winter, when she migrates to the Space Coast of Florida. Her poetry and prose have appeared in numerous literary journals, both online and in print and in anthologies. She is the author of four full-length collections and four chapbooks. A former high school English and writing teacher, Arra now teaches part-time and facilitates local writing groups. Find her at www.catherinearra.com
- Photo by Jennifer B. Muirhead Photography
► Catherine Arra's microchap & (selected) poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title.  
  Origami Microchap with Selected Poems
Find Me  



Click title to download micro


Cover photo by Alex Stolis
(by permission)



Find Me

I’ve been a hobo jumping trains, a fortune-

telling gypsy catching rides with carnies, a

stowaway on a submarine, a street busker

in New Orleans, the last poet standing

at an open mic.  
I’ve been a runaway, an impostor,

a seductress, a condemned witch.

Walked the plank and swam

ashore. Pressed my tracks

into wet sand,

turned to see

them wash


I put my name in a bottle with a poem

to tell you all roads lead to us,

show you how to reach me

through time,

tides, a portal

of words.

Hold me like a dusty book

with a broken binding,

my history mapped on

the tattered


When you 

open me,

I’m brand



Ode to Hollows 
                            for Alex 
your low lumbar spine, where 
libido pools, swirls, curls into waves 
your pelvis,  
parallel serendipity 
your belly and chest 
the chiseled ladder I climb 
to bicep mounds and valleys 
the plateau of shoulders 
your neck tunneling 
to chin, parted lips 
eyes darkened in the  
eclipse of surrender 
nostrils that flare 
when I push you down  
to our bed, scale 
the landscape of you 
and we kiss, filling  
all the hollows in me.  

Catherine Arra © 2024