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Anne Graue

anne graue box orig   Anne Graue (she/her) is the author of Full and Plum-Colored Velvet (Woodley Press) and Fig Tree in Winter (Dancing Girl Press) and has work in numerous journals and anthologies, online and in print. She is a poetry editor for The Westchester Review ( The Westchester Review ).
► Anne Graue's microchap & (selected) poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title.
  Origami Microchap with Selected Poems



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Driving, probably a good sign
I’m in control—I never know

where I’m going—this time
I pulled over, looked up, saw
peacocks flying overhead—brilliant
blue sky—all eyes visible, tailfeathers
fanned, their plumage out for all to see—

I didn’t stop to count them.


Can you interpret 
thirty-five years of marriage 
as a semiotic wave? 
Language is ever 
changing and rearranging 
itself to rescue firelight. 

Anne Graue © 2024