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Fay L. Loomis

Fay L Loomis Bio 2024   Fay L. Loomis lives a quiet life in the woods in upstate New York. Her poetry and prose are found in numerous publications, including six poetry anthologies.
► Fay L. Loomis's microchap & (selected) poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title.
  Origami Microchap with Selected Poems
Sunlit Wildness  



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Fay Loomis BioCVR Sunlit Wildness 2024 Aug 

Cover: 'What the birds see’
by Meg Freer




blue-grey mist
hovers in the forest

red cardinal




sun slips below horizon
ghostly silver-white glow
on jet black bark



Afternoon Heat

blood red oleander blossoms
against a pale blue sky

I want to weep


Sunlit Wildness

periwinkle violets
shimmer in verdant grass

a riot of tiny yellow buttercups
vie with golden dandelion bols

close up, tiny white and mauve
floweretts fill the field

ferns create an edge
between lawn and forest



no Camus for me
sense and order
let there be

Fay L. Loomis © 2024