Cover photo of White Peacock Butterfly taken by author
Across a store once I caught a glance, "This is how it can begin", a friend said, and a smile like a song began to rise from the land, the way a creek shakes loose a stone and carries it onward.
Where's the old bridge, too rotten to cross? and the tree frog you cradled, once? By a waterfall that quieted the forest, what answers did the canyon whisper, a melody that couldn't be transcribed.
You years gone by, welcome. This field we know is home, you gathered here, be witness: a sky can turn white, or black, and the blue still go on.
Late, Walking
There are birds who would forget their songs to learn yours.
Save me from the closed door of my hand, my fingers hinges, how to hold steady in moonlight before you loved the rain away.
On those late night walks, the pecan outside bent ever so slightly house-ward.
In slow measures it carved new worlds, shadowgraphy in long lines across concrete, the need to be free calling out like mice sheltering in the fields from hawks,
the way the sky opens like an ocean, is ready to calm, to crash.
Sam Calhoun © 2025
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Leaves scatter-broom in the wind, auroral rays touch sight lines, pressing my face to the bark telling history like the resurrection ferns, or hawks riding thermals, a kite untethered, trailing, starlings long streamers like stars.
Out at dusk we wild imitators, paddle-drift, brethren beneath Geminids like submarines un-anchored, our eyes periscopes shining from a lake so still so dark.
Sam Calhoun © 2024
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Cover: Boardwalk photo taken by author along local trail in Marbut Bend, AL
once driving home, I missed the rainbow--
but then 100 blackbirds landed in the cool puddle of broken concrete
as if they were shot out of that orange jewelweed sky.
Last night the full moon Streamed, raced away, cirrus over fallow fields waiting to be forgotten.
Come spring who lives in the old house? The one with the chimney I cannot see--
Smoke climbs like rose branches, thermals through bones bare of the world
settle on the edge of fields, forgotten cotton; advent calendar.
--crows dance, the hiss of each passing car--
Is there still room in the dark to howl?
Sam Calhoun © 2023