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Cover: 'Portrait of a Woman'
by Paul César Helleu
At an Exclusive Restaurant
The waiters arrive The lady orders champagne Her gentleman smiles Their romantic night begins And no one will say a word.
Gently Convinced
Much is new for him Since she chose to cross his path Keep him close to her Live as his faithful lover Not let his thoughts wander off.
Scene at a Train Station
They slowly walk by His new wife has grasped his hand Speaks of their voyage All the plans she has made and Those whom he must leave behind.
New Priorities
Much has changed for him Fewer nights spent on the town His home re-designed All actions closely observed His lover is now his wife.
The Staff Knows Them
Soon after sunrise As steam swirls from coffee cups He kisses his wife Light rain strikes the room's windows Their door will stay closed today.
Uxorial Considerations
Her hand touches his Velvet on his wedding ring Gently reminds him How she has kept her promise, He must now of course keep his.
Mark Schardine © 2024