Origami Poems Project Logo

The Blizzard Contest


This Contest is now closed.  We are grateful for every entry.

Visit Our Contest Winner's Page Here!!!


Fellow Poets, Writers, Artists and Folks who are just curious about what this title all about.

Please look at the two pieces of art work displayed below and send us a poem inspired by either piece.
- Only rule is that it has to fit the Origami Poems Project format (see the "non-rules" below) or we will sadly disqualify the entry -

Send to: origami.submission(at)gmail.com with BLIZZARD POEM (House/Horse) in the subject line.
 We will pick 5 poems to go with each ARTwork and publish Two Very Special OPP Micro-chapbooks.

Winners will be announced in the March Newsletter (sign-up link here)
You do not have to be a “poet” to submit… Just inspired…
Deadline: February 23rd Midnight



                                 4 Horses by Jason Hancock                                                Winter House by Pd Lietz

There is no fee for this contest but your submission is priceless to us.  Our prize is also priceless - and we’ll send 5 copies of the book in which your poem appears!
Imagine receiving a snail-mail of an Origami micro-chabook with your poem enclosed – how rare & exciting!
Non-Rules Rules

1. Poem should try to be around 23 lines long including Title & Spaces. (Reasonable aside:  For something we just can't live without, we'll consider just over 23 lines.  Is it wise to state this?  Where is poetic justice these days!)

2.  Poem’s Line Length should be around 47 characters (which includes spaces between letters).  If you must have that 48th character we will try to accomodate but remember, this isn't a glass slipper contest so please try to don the 47-character footwear.
3.  Poet may submit one poem per image in the body of an email or Word doc.  Please tell us to which image your poem applies.   Oh, so you think this is a ridiculous request?  We really don't want to ask & if we do it's only because we feel a surge of kindness.  So, do us proud and be kind.
4. Both unpublished and previously published pieces are welcome. If a piece was published elsewhere, ask nicely for the relevant permissions to reprint. For all selected poems, copyright will revert to the authors.  Yada yada.
5.  Email must reach us by Midnight (East Coast USA Time) on February 23, 2013.  Email submissions to:  origami.submission(at)gmail.com - @ for (at)
These carefully selected poems will be announced on our website, our Facebook page, and in our March Newsletter.

Oh, you can opt out of the Newsletter later if you want and we'll still like you...  Maybe

 There is no fee for this Contest

Thank you so much...    The Origami Poems Project