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Mary Louise Peters

Mary Louise Peters 2019  Mary Louise Peters, Wisconsin, is a lifelong poet, finding new audiences, delighting in the metaphor of everyday life. She enjoys all forms of creativity: wife, mother, grandmother, national educational consultant, Courage & Renewal facilitator, educator, and writer. 

 Mary's microchap & selected poems are available below. Download the single-page PDF by clicking the title.  

Origami Microchap



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 Mary Louise Peters CVR Discernment NOV 2019

Cover: The Blossom of the Grateful Soul

by Lauri Burke


Download every microchap
for free
from this website.
(Set printer for landscape)



gratitude for the path that has been worn familiar
those walking ahead and along side

praise for the wonders that abound
on every side

prayers for the journey
for each of us
for those who have loved and cared for us
for those who are in need

rocks lining the shore,
light, joy, mystery, sorrow
lakeshore prayer beads



Carry Lightness

That which does not make your heart sing
Is burden.
Carrying it bends you earthward.

The wind is not burdened in blowing.
All is carried skyward
True gift is finding lightness in each endeavor.
True heart is music.

Open the windows.
Be reminded of why you were born.
Hear the song that is vibrating within your soul.





One Red Leaf

Living into the future with plans and dreams
energy spent on 'perhaps' and 'by chance'

Letting go of what might be,
and focusing on
this blue sky,
these soft waves,
attachments float away...

One red leaf is blown onto the surface of the water,
and slowly it is drifting into the past



a sense of completeness

ease in deciding

when values are clear,
actions align

urgency is unnecessary

stars become visible even in
the brightest moonlit night


Mary Louise Peters © 2019